Hi! I am Prabhav.

MSE CS Thesis @ JHU (CLSP) | NLP @ Zyient.io

Hi! I am Prabhav Singh, currently a Data Scientist at Zyient and an incoming MSE Thesis student at Johns Hopkins for Fall 2024. Most of my formal training in the area of NLP with a specific focus on multimodal processing. I will be pursuing my PhD in this field at JHU and I am open to collaboration on related topics!

I am fortunate enought to have worked under Prof. KPS Rana and Prof. Vineet Kumar at the APCL, NSIT where I researched ways to make language models more humanistic. I had the privilege of working with Prof. Debarka Sengupta at the IIIT Delhi Speech Research Laboratory.

I have done my best to describe my research below. Please feel free to reach out to me for any question/collaborations.

research statement

I aim to understand how humans solve a problem and I aim to model that behavior and its characteristics into the models that I build. The primary way I attempt to do this in my work is by leveraging multimodal computing. I also aim to try and bring the process of human reasoning in my models by combining NLP with commonsense reasoning and social and psychological cues.

For example, in the case of speech emotion recognition, humans have a very defined process of segmenting emotions hierarchically [1]. They do not perceive emotion as a single level decision making process where the original emotion is perceived out of the possible outcomes in one go. Instead, the human process is to segment emotion hierarchically similar to a decision tree. My research objective is to try and model these human cues in my models - Like we tried to model in our first paper by using multimodal inputs to a hierarchical decision tree like structure.


Feb 20, 2024 Accepted to JHU’s MSE CS Program for Fall 2024!
Feb 01, 2024 Completed 1 Year at Zyient.io

selected publications

  1. elsevier.jpg
    A multimodal hierarchical approach to speech emotion recognition from audio and text
    Prabhav Singh, Ridam Srivastava , K.P.S. Rana , and 1 more author
    Knowledge-Based Systems, Oct 2021